About US

The Fatal Mantis shop is a dedicated praying mantis store focusing on offering a large variety of species and invertebrate supplies.  We are mostly an online shop but do have a store front in Houston Texas for local pickups.

Fatal Mantis started off small with only 8 ghost mantis, but we have expanded to currently keep over 500 mantids of 10+ species with much more room to grow. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What Species do you keep?

Currently we have over 15 species of mantis and plan on adding more over time as we grow. 

I'm looking for a particular species not listed. do you have it?

Our mantid page has all the species we currently keep or have kept in the past. Keep checking back because we always looking to add more.  If there is something in particular you are looking for, send an email to info@fatalmantis.com and I can try to direct you to a breeder with that species. 

why must mantis shipping be two day or less?

We only ship using UPS 2day/Overnight Air to ensure live arrival. Shipping can be stressful and hard on an insect. Shorter shipping reduce these and helps to make sure your mantis comes in good condition. Other shipping is available but use it at your own risk

When will this species be in stock?

It takes time for each species to mature to adult and for eggs to hatch. For some species it can take nearly a year to mature. We only sell nymphs we breed.  Most of our species are currently maturing. Once their ootheca hatch and they have their first molt, they will be available to purchase.

I'm looking for care instructions for a mantis not on your page. 

We only list care guides for insects we have had personal experience with. Send us an email and we can send you in the right direction for a good care sheet. 

I'm having a problem with my mantis. can you help?

I am always available to answer questions or concerns. Feel free to send me an email at info@fatalmantis.com. The Mantis Guide also has many tips and tricks on good husbandry along with a guide to health problems.  

Contact me

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