Devil Flower Mantis

Idolomantis diabolica or the Devils Flower Mantis is a personal favorite. Originating from Tanzania, they are one of the largest mantid species with a very unique appearance. They mimic leaves and pedals with green and pink colors, but have striking markings on the underside of their arms that they use as a threat display. Despite the fierce name, they are very skittish. They are a more challenging species to keep as they require higher temperatures and humidity levels than other species

Devil Flower Mantis Care


Mantids don’t require much space but the cage or container needs to be able to accommodate them as they grow. Generally the container must be 3x the mantis length and 2x for the width. It must be well ventilated to prevent the growth of mold

They are not the best climbers and require plenty of branches, silk or real plants or even a mesh cage.

This species can be kept communally. 


They prefer temps from 86-105 F but can go lower at night. A heat lamp is recommended.


They prefer humidity from 80-90%. Daily to two times a day misting can meet these requirements. but be sure that they have good ventilation to prevent mold growth


Mantids do not require standing water to drink and receive most of their moisture from their food. They will however drink water drops from misting. Good ventilation is required to prevent mold growth from higher humidity


As they live most of their lives in flowering plants they prefer flying insects. They can be a bit picky when eating so offering a variety is best. They can eat flies, moths, lacewings and small butterflies. L4 or lower need fruit flies, and increase to house flies and blue/green bottle flies as they get larger. It’s recommended that the size of the feeder insect does not exceed 1/2 the mantis length. It is not recomended to feed crickets or meal worms as it can actually be harmful to them. Most pet stores sell fruit flies and wax worms that can be grown into moths. Larger flies can found easily from online suppliers or sometimes from bait shops.