Do not handle your mantis for a few days after a molt as they are still hardening 

Handling Your Mantis

Mantis are, for the most part, completely harmless to people. Some of the larger species can give you a bit of a nibble, but they can’t cause any actual harm. They’re not very aggressive and will prefer to run or show a threat display before ever trying to attack something bigger than them. The worst some might do is give you a little smack with their grasping arms as a “Hey get away from me! I’m big and scary looking!”

Some species are quite docile and are easy to hold and treat your hand like just another branch. Many will readily climb around on your hand or jump to an extended finger. 

Some species of mantis are very robust and sturdy while others are more fragile. Its always important to be gentle with them and allow them to move as needed. Never actually try to pick up a mantis by pinching or grasping it. Though they do have exoskeletons they can still be crushed or even have internal damage with out you realizing it.  A big fall could also damage a leg or antenna. 

Most mantis are capable of jumping and can actually climb very well. Adult males can often fly so its important to be in an enclosed area when handling them.