Kenya Flower Mantis

Galinthias ameona or the Kenya Flower Mantis is a very small species of mantis native to parts of Africa such as Kenya. They are splotched green and white with spots of brown. males are more slender than females as adults. They only reach an 1-1.5 inches and can live on fruit flies for most of their lives. They are extremely fast and active, and will often be seen zipping and jumping after prey. 

Kenya Flower Mantis Care


Mantids don’t require much space but the cage or container needs to be able to accommodate them as they grow. Generally the container must be 3x the mantis length and 2x for the width. It must be well ventilated to prevent the growth of mold

This species has been known to be ok in small groups


They prefer temps from 68-78 F. Room temperature is perfectly fine for them. 


High humidity is not needed and are fine with twice a week misting. Be sure there is plenty of ventilation


Mantids do not require standing water to drink and receive most of their moisture from their food. They will however drink water drops from misting. Good ventilation is required to prevent mold growth from higher humidity


Flying insects are the preferred source. They are small enough to be kept of fruit flies for nearly their entire lives. They can be fed house flies, blue bottle flies, or moths as adults. They will eat quite a bit for their size.